This is the first of a two-part post looking at how your data model affects MongoDB’s performance. This post describes a performance issue with one of our applications and how we came to the decision that our document model was ultimately the cause.

The second post will then describe how we arrived at this poorly performing document model, what changes we made to improve things and to summarise what we learned.

Introducing Shippr

Shippr is the name of the orchestration component of our internal cloud platform and is one of the tools enabling Continuous Delivery at Auto Trader.

As an application Shippr accepts configurations and artifacts into its datastore and organises them as ‘stacks’ that constitute an application or service.

It can then create ‘deployments’ of those stacks by instantiating the infrastructure necessary to realise that stack and provide the app or service. Shippr will then manage changes to that infrastructure over the deployment’s life until it is decommissioned.

Shippr itself is a Java Dropwizard application using Amazon S3 for binary storage, and MongoDB for storing everything else.

Our Issue

Shippr serves an API for communication with other applications / components, one consumer of which is our health-check dashboard Dozor. Dozor constantly checks and reports on the status of all of Auto Trader’s applications.

Dozor polls Shippr regularly in order to stay up-to-date with the latest deployment changes to the cloud platform. Because deploying a new version of an app involves switching traffic over to a new set of servers and then terminating the old ones, if Dozor isn’t kept updated false negatives occur as it reports health-check failures for the terminated nodes.

Unfortunately this is exactly what started happening to us as our API response times started to grow and grow as our datasets got larger and larger. Oh dear.


We had already been receiving monitoring alerts telling us that we were encountering high numbers of ‘COLLSCAN’s for several of our queries particularly around our fleets collection.

Documents in the fleets collection actually hold data for multiple API endpoints, all of which are in Dozor’s critical callpath, so it seemed a good place to start.

Modelling our Data

A Shippr ‘fleet’ is a collection of virtual machines all in the same cloud-environment, a fleet then has ‘arrays’ that all share the same role and configuration, and are made-up of ‘nodes’ which are the individual VMs themselves.

A full ‘deployment’ consists of multiple fleets one for each data centre.

Fleets end up having a subtly different data model across the layers of our application: API, business logic, and storage.

Diagram of Shippr's fleet data models

By the time we get to the API what were once just components of fleet now need to be addressed as fully-fledged discrete resources, this means that when querying at the datastore layer we end up needing to locate a fleet in 3 different ways in order to support the look-ups that the API needs:

  • Find the fleet directly via its ID.

  • Find the fleet which contains a particular Array Instance via the instance’s ID.

  • Find the fleet which contains a particular Node via the node’s ID.

So here’s a (simplified) example of what a fleet document looks like in MongoDB:

  "_id" : "d1e6328c-07a9-4a9d-adde-56e7543de0d1",
  "fleetName" : "dev_merlin-service-rest-search_388a72a740a495fbb92207377ddc7fea6b7dcef0.53",
  "deploymentIdentifier" : "9019bcb1-aa3a-4973-82ad-eb9ba57e0def",
  "arrayInstances" : {
    "e764e442-3746-4ed3-8e3e-20e53b687d00" : {
      "nodes" : {
        "b442ca37-93d1-4957-a49a-e3d81ebee35a" : {
          "arrayLabel" : "merlin-service-rest-search",
          "nodeIdentifier" : "b442ca37-93d1-4957-a49a-e3d81ebee35a",
          "nodeIpAddress" : "",
          "nodeState" : "down"
      "arrayInstanceIdentifier" : "e764e442-3746-4ed3-8e3e-20e53b687d00",
      "arrayLabel" : "merlin-service-rest-search"
  "nodeIdentifiers" : [

Checking Query Performance

To gauge how effective a query will be MongoDB can be asked to detail its ‘query plan’ by calling .explain() on the result of a query (the docs for this are here: method/cursor.explain())

so in the mongo shell we enter :

db.fleets.find({_id : "some value"}).explain()

and we get back:

    "queryPlanner" : {
        "plannerVersion" : 1,
        "namespace" : "shippr.fleets",
        "indexFilterSet" : false,
        "parsedQuery" : {
            "_id" : {
                "$eq" : "some value"
        "winningPlan" : {
            "stage" : "IDHACK"
        "rejectedPlans" : []
    "serverInfo" : {
        /* OMITTED */
    "ok" : 1.0

The key part for us here is the winningPlan section - it shows that the IDHACK strategy has been chosen. So what is IDHACK? It means MongoDB will use a specially optimised look-up that can only be used if the query solely consists of checking the _id field. (_id is special and MongoDB will always generate one if you don’t provide it so that it can create this look-up)

From our alerts we’re here looking for COLLSCAN queries. These are queries where there was no index to do a look-up in, so MongoDB had to visit every document in turn to see if it matched.

As a collection gets bigger and bigger these queries become very expensive as mongo loads the entire dataset in order to query it.

So let’s turn to our other queries to see how they fare.

Finding the fleet that contains an array instance:

db.fleets.find({ arrayInstances.someArrayId : { $exists: true } }).explain();
"winningPlan" : {
    "stage" : "COLLSCAN",
    "filter" : {
        "arrayInstances.someArrayId" : {
            "$exists" : true
    "direction" : "forward"

Bingo. Not finding any indexes to speed this up MongoDB has resorted to checking every fleet to see if it matches. We also have the same issue with our node query.

db.fleets.find({ nodeIdentifiers : "someNodeId" }).explain();
"winningPlan" : {
    "stage" : "COLLSCAN",
    "filter" : {
        "nodeIdentifiers" : {
            "$eq" : "someNodeId"
    "direction" : "forward"

In Summary

Here we introduced our application and a performance issue it was facing and discussed one of the tools provided by MongoDB that enables us to explore the expected performance of our documents and queries.

In the next post we’ll discuss the steps we took to resolve the issue with our document structure and what we learned about structuring data in mongo as a result.

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